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There have been some organizational changes. This blog is now for Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance.  So exactly what is an alliance? Wikipedia defines it as follows:

An alliance is an agreement or friendship between two or more parties, made in order to advance common goals and to secure common interests.

The Alliance was incorporated with the Indiana Secretary of State on 3/15/2012 as a non-profit corporation. The Alliance intends to incorporate as a 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS. This reorganization is intended to allow for a broader coalition effort amongst businesses, individuals, elected officials, local units of government, colleges and universities, labor unions, economic development groups as well as environmental and consumer organizations to join together to promote renewable energy and distributed generation.

If you are interested in joining or financially supporting the activities of the Alliance, please contact Laura.Arnold@indianaDG.net or call (317) 635-1701.


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